Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Dryer fixed! Paint Ordered.

So, according to "The Appliance Guy" and his website there are 4 things that usually go out on a dryer, and it's worth replacing all four while you are in there: the igniter, the gas valve coils, the flame sensor, and the overtemp fusible link. The website I ordered from was out of the fusible link, so I put three of the four parts in and the dryer works. Now, on to the boat.

Today I chatted online with 'Jack' at Jamestown Distributors. Based on his recommendations I ordered some finishes for my boat. 1 quart of Fire Red Interlux Brightside, one quart of Blue-glo White Brightside, and one quart of Epifanes CV1000 gloss varnish for the topside. Oh, and a few other things.

Now it's up to UPS.

Pedal the Cause is coming up in 9 days or so. I'm riding the 25 mile route so I have been preparing. I took the bike out for a 12 mile ride today - the bugs were disgusting and are what caused me to cut the ride short. Maybe tomorrow I'll go earlier in the day or something.

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